Real Plastic Free

Going Plastic Free as a Young Family

going plastic free as a young family

The plot quickens

In the spirit of getting us all involved, step 2 of going plastic free was a spot of DIY. First of all, we had great fun at the weekend. We set ourselves up a small vegetable plot in our garden. We used some old sleepers we had from some recent building work. Also some stakes we had going spare to make our wigwam. We’ve planted cucumbers, peppers, peas and runner beans. And of course, we’ve hung some strawberry plants up too for little hands to pick at as they check on the plot.

A few staples and a few seasonal specials. Because all of them often come wrapped in plastic bought  at the supermarket.

The children loved learning how to plant up our small saplings and are very enthusiastic about watering our new veggie plot. It proved to be a great family project and another tick on the plastic-free living chart.